Tuesday, 24 December 2024

How to use Adobe experience platform?


Using Adobe Experience Platform involves several key steps to harness its capabilities in delivering personalized and seamless experiences. Below is a general guide on how to use Adobe Experience Platform:
  1. Access Adobe Experience Platform:

    • Log in to Adobe Experience Platform using your credentials. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access and managez the platform.
  2. Navigate the Platform Interface:

    • Familiarize yourself with the platform's user interface. Explore the main navigation menus, dashboards, and tools available. Adobe Experience Platform is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive navigation.
  3. Unified Data Model Setup:

    • Establish a Unified Data Model (UDM) that suits your organization's needs. Define the data structures and entities that will be part of the unified customer profile. This involves mapping and integrating data from various sources.

Monday, 23 December 2024

Monitor AEM page performance using DataDog

Measuring page performance using Datadog involves setting up appropriate monitoring and visualization of performance metrics. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this:

 1.  Setup Datadog 

-  Sign Up : If you haven’t already, sign up for a Datadog account.

-  Install the Agent : Install the Datadog agent on your servers. Follow the instructions specific to your operating system from the Datadog documentation.

 2.  Instrument Your Application 

-  APM (Application Performance Monitoring) : Enable APM in your application to trace requests and monitor performance.

  -  Java : Use the `dd-java-agent.jar`.

  -  Node.js : Install the Datadog APM module.

  -  Python : Use the `ddtrace` library.

  -  Other Languages : Datadog provides agents for various languages like Ruby, .NET, Go, and PHP.

-  Browser RUM (Real User Monitoring) : Install the Datadog RUM library in your frontend application to monitor end-user experience.

 3.  Configure APM and RUM 

-  APM Configuration : Add APM configurations to your application to start collecting performance data. Ensure you are capturing essential metrics such as request duration, error rates, and resource usage.

-  RUM Configuration : Add the RUM snippet to your HTML pages to start tracking user interactions and page load times.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Optimize AEM page performance

Debugging and optimizing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) page performance involves a series of steps to identify bottlenecks and apply best practices. Here's a structured approach:

1. Monitor Performance Metrics

- Page Load Time: Measure how long it takes for a page to load fully.

- Time to First Byte (TTFB): Check the time taken by the server to deliver the first byte of the page.

- Core Web Vitals: Focus on metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

2. Use AEM's Built-in Tools

-  AEM Reports: Utilize the built-in reports for performance analysis.

-  Request Performance Tool : Available in AEM, this tool helps to analyze the request performance.

-  AEM Developer Mode : Use this to get insights into the components and their rendering times.

3.  Analyze Components and Templates 

-  Component Analysis : Identify slow components. Check for inefficient code, excessive server calls, or large payloads.

-  Template Optimization : Ensure that templates are optimized and do not include unnecessary elements or logic.